
Tutorial for Seo

Tutorial for Seo must be various, people always confuse what methods should they use to raise their keyword visibility in Google. As we know there are some familiar methods like forumprofile, article directory, social bookmarking, and blog commenting, but nowadays people develop these techniques to be more advanced for example link wheel, link trees, link pyramid and many more. One of the most famous techniques called as link wheel proven to be the most effective one because Google its self teach people to use Link wheel method even Google equipped ‘Google wonder wheel’ merely to facilitate people in researching keyword for link wheel.

You can make link wheel to authority site such as Squidoo, live journal, wordpress, blogspot and many more. Also, you can develop forum profile backlink to be link wheel it will make your backlink fast indexed as long as we know forum profile backlink need a long period of time to get indexed. If you are still wondering about link wheel you figure out to make one way backlink from other types it has the same result just like link wheel as long as you do it regularly. Many people blast 1000 backlink a day then silent and never carry on, you had better create 4 or 5 backlink a day regularly. The result of your keyword visibility may vary because it depends on its competitor the more competitors the more harder, in common you keyword may rise less then a month but it some cases it may rise more then a month.

Backlink is not the only factor to have your site appear in search engine because backlink is off page seo while you have to pay more attention to on page seo, you have to make sure your meta tag, description and tag is setting correctly because its no matter how many backlinks you created if this step is not configured correctly your site won’t rise. For meta tag you can use | to separate between each word, example : weight loss | body building | practice sport. And for description make it not more than 120 char. For tag you can use comma to separate each word. If this setting has been configured correctly now you can go to next step, submit your sitemap to Google webmaster tool and add your url the purpose of this step is to make your site and each posting easy to index by Google. If this done now you are safe and can build backlink as much as you wish. Remember continuity is the point if you are do it more than what suggested your site may be penalized or in common we call Google sandbox, we will discuss about Google sandbox in the next article to have a further understanding how to avoid it and how to come out if you are already penalized.


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