- KISS on the hand means: FRIENDSHIP.
- KISS on the nose means: YOU’RE CUTE.
- KISS on the cheek means: I NEED YOU.
- KISS on the neck means: I WANT YOU.
- KISS on the lips means: I LOVE YOU.
- Kissing with eyes closed means: I’M IN LOVE WITH YOU.
- Kissing with eyes opened means: I’M WATCHING WHERE YOUR HANDS ARE GOING.
- The military KISS means ..... "Keep It Simple Stupid".
- Stolen Kisses ARE THE SWEETEST! (Always want to return it)
of the story is ... Its not WHO you are KISSING but WHERE you’re KISSING that
matters Other signs ................Often thinking of you means: I CARE FOR YOU
- Holding hands means: I LIKE YOU
- Looking into the eyes means: DO YOU LOVE ME?
- Squeezing fingertips means: I WANT A KISS
- Leaning on the shoulder means: COMFORT ME
- Getting occasional short hugs: I MISS YOU
- Biting lips means: I AM JEALOUS
- Winking at you means: I WANT TO GO WITH YOU
- Playing with your hair means: I ADORE YOU
- Stepping on toes means: I HATE YOU
- Getting hit in "very painful places": I REALLY HATE YOU
- Dreaming of you at night: YOU’RE SOMEONE SPECIAL
- Always being with you means: I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT YOU
- Wearing his or her ring means: YOU’RE MINE FOREVER
- Often giving you something means: CARE FOR YOU VERY MUCH
- Placing hands on shoulder means: GET THE HINT STUPID!!!
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